Saturday, August 29, 2009

one, two, one two three four!


i really love this one. i love how the trees create a tunnel of sorts.
this one is extremely awesome as well.  It looks like the most complicated thing ever though!

mc escher of course!   i love this one because it really makes you think.
the end.

I know it’s all about perceptions

i didn't think that drawing the interior of my apartment would really be all that difficult, but once i actually started i realized that it is way more difficult then i thought it would be. I think i'm starting to get the hang of it now that i've worked on it for a while but it still needs some work. I still have a few days to work on it so I'll definitely be able to get it done.
It's starting to look a lot better now that i've added the wood floor.  The lines on the wood floor let you know that it is the bottom and it isn't just random lines everywhere.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009


i wanted the name of my blog to be something like laurart or whatever but that, and pretty much every variation of it were already taken and i wasn't going to stick random numbers next to it because i know i would forget it. so laurasdrawings it is.
I've never really blogged about anything knowing other people will read it before, so i'll try and not go off topic too much. having to blog about drawing is really weird though, in the past when i've blogged about things it's been like concerts i've been to or about awesome bands and with photos from other blogs that inspire me, but this works too i guess.
This drawing assignment has been interesting. i guess would be the word? like i don't hate it, but it's not the most fun and interesting assignment i've ever been given. the horizontal lines are a little crooked due to the fact that they didn't have any metal yard sticks without the cork on the back and won't have them for a few days.. I used this really old ruler i brought with me that i've had since about 4th grade, it isn't all fancy and perfect but it got the job done. it's only 12" though.
When i finished all the lines or varying speed, weight and length apart looked pretty cool. that bond paper pad takes up basically my entire desk though. I think I'm really going to enjoy this class as far as i can tell.

that's all for now,